“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you to be a prophet to the nations,” Jeremiah 1:4 (NIV).
This was a word from the Lord to the prophet Jeremiah, he was called to be a prophet even before he was born. This is an applicable word to each one of us, as we are all created by God.
Do you know what you are called to be and do?

God created each one of us for a purpose, “For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil,” 1 John 3:8 (KJV).
Do you know for what purpose you were created?”
Is your purpose controlled only by your mind & natural abilities? Or does it include the Spirit of God?

God has destiny for your life. You can determine your own destiny according to the dictates of your mind, circumstances and desires, or you can fulfill the destiny that God has for you.
One destiny leads to eternal death, the other leads to eternal life.

God had a destiny for Adam and Eve – this was eternal life, but they chose eternal death through disobedience.
God gave them everything that they needed to live for eternity, but it required their obedience. Adam and Eve made a choice based on lies and deception, and according to their desires and the dictates of their mind.
What about you?

The world is in the palm of your hands – would you impact the world by fulfilling your destiny? Or would you allow the world to impact and shape you into its destiny?
The choices that we make in life may not always yield the results that we desire or expect, and the consequences are not ours to choose!